Beginning Ascension

Whether you are a twin flame going through difficulties (separation, fighting, etc), or you are an advanced soul who has woken up, ascension can be a hellish and more-than-confusing time. It is usually during this time that we experience initiation and purification, where we work through blocks on the path to becoming more pure, more light, and more love.
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Letting Go and Surrendering


When my twin flame and I were thrown into separation, I immediately found the advice “just let him go. Surrender because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

I tried. I tried letting him, that other part of me, go so that I could move on with my life.
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My Story

My journey started a little over a year ago, on New Year’s Eve. Having been lonely and feeling neglected in terms of love for most of my life, I was done. It seemed like every time I stepped forward, another curveball, another hardship was thrown in my path.
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